ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 8, 2021

Marriage and Divorce in Vietnam

Vietnam family laws covers all legal matters concerning marriages and divorces, including marriage registration procedures, and divorce procedures, matters concerning separate or joint ownership assets and property, child custody, child support, and dispute on related matters.   Marriage and Divorce dispute law firm in Vietnam Vietnam marriage laws have developed during the past 40 years and are still connected with changes in the thinking...

Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 8, 2021

Dispute Resolution Through Arbitration in Vietnam

Dispute resolution methods are litigation, negotiation, mediation and arbitration. Handing disputes requires litigation dispute law firm in Vietnam with dispute lawyers in Vietnam having experience and knowledge to provide resolutions to complex cross-border issues, commercial and civil disputes.    Arbitration Law Firm in Vietnam  In the current business environment, most business agreements could contain...

Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 8, 2021

What Are Responsibilities of the Seller for Inadequate Delivery of Goods?

Delivering and receiving goods are basic obligations of the parties when performing the Contract for purchase and sale of goods. Specifically, in accordance with the law, when buying and selling goods, the seller must deliver goods and relevant documents, as agreed in contracts on quantity, quality, packing and preservation modes and other contractual terms.   In cases where there is no specific agreement, the seller is obliged to deliver...

Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 8, 2021

Can Foreign Invested Enterprises Distribute Pharmaceutical Products in Vietnam?

Currently, with the complicated developments of the Covid-19 epidemic in the world in general and in Vietnam in particular, the research, production and import of Covid-19 vaccines are the matter that everyone is concerned about. On February 24th, 2021, the first batch of vaccine approved for import was transported to Vietnam by the Vietnam Vaccine Joint Stock Company.   Facing this situation, a number of foreign enterprises have expressed...

Thứ Tư, 25 tháng 8, 2021

Handling Violations of Competition Laws in Vietnam

Foreign brands are increasingly popular in the Vietnam market as Vietnam economy integrates into world economy. The openings of economy creates opportunities to attract foreign investment into Vietnam through establishment of companies. To continue to protect the fair competition, and interest of consumer, it is important that the Vietnam state authority ensures the business environment. Accordingly, violations related to competition will be handled...

Thứ Ba, 24 tháng 8, 2021

Anti-dumping Measures for H-shaped Steel Products From Malaysia Remain in Place

On August 18th, 2021, the Ministry of Industry and Trade issued the Decision No. 1975/QD-BCT on the application of official anti-dumping tax on some H-shaped steel products originating from Malaysia (“Decision No. 1975/QD-BCT”). Accordingly, the anti-dumping measures against a number of H-shaped steel products originating from Malaysia continue to be maintained under Decision No. 1162/QD-BCT dated April 02nd, 2021 of the Minister of Industry and...

Chủ Nhật, 22 tháng 8, 2021

Vietnam Promulgated Preferential Import-Export Tariff Schedule to Implement UKVFTA Agreement

On May 21, 2021, the Government of Vietnam issued Decree No. 53/2021/ND-CP on preferential export tariffs and special preferential import tariffs of Vietnam to implement the Free Trade Agreement between the Vietnam and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland for the period 2021-2022 (“Decree No. 53/2021/ND-CP”).   Decree No.53/2021/ND-CP promulgating the Preferential Export Tariff and the Special Preferential Import Tariff...

Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 8, 2021

What is Statue of Limitation for Initiating Legal Action According to Arbitral Procedures?

Arbitration law always set the the limitation period for request of dispute resolution. This means that the law applies a specific period for parties to bring the dispute to the arbitration. According to law on arbitration 2010 (“LOA”), unless otherwise provided by specialized law, limitation period for initiating legal action according to arbitral procedures is two years from the time of infringement of lawful rights and interests.   Arbitration...

Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 8, 2021

When Should the Employer Send Notice of Termination of Labour Contract to Employee Before Contract Expiration?

Expiration is one of the circumstances which permit termination of labor contract under the Labor Code 2012. Accordingly, the employer must inform in writing to the employee of the terminating date of labor contract at least 15 days prior to the expiration. Termination of labor relationship in each circumstance must follow different conditions and procedures to ensure the interests and obligations of both employee and employer and avoid...

Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 8, 2021

Can Employer Terminate the Labour Contract in Vietnam with Employee Due To Covid 19 Outbreak?

Due to intricate occurrence of Covid 19, many enterprises are forced themselves to reduce the number of employees for maintaining the operation financially. Specifically, the employer has to make difficult decision to terminate the labour contract with the employee. The termination of the labour contract has to be considered carefully because of potential legal risks brought up which dispute lawyers in labour should...

Thứ Hai, 16 tháng 8, 2021

When a Contract is Invalid Due to Non-compliance With Form in Vietnam?

Generally, contracts for sale and purchase of goods and service contract shall be expressed in verbal or written form or established with specific acts. For types of contract which must be made in writing provided by law, such contract must comply with such form regulation. Particularly, contract for international purchase and sale of goods shall be conducted on the basis of written contracts or other forms of equal legal validity.   Contract...